Odyssey House’s Residential Programs is open to anyone wishing to address their dependence on alcohol and/or other drugs. The program aims to empower individuals and give them the self-confidence to manage the harms related to their substance use.
Our Residential Programs utilise the therapeutic community model of treatment. This approach makes the community the primary influencer for promoting positive personal growth. Residents actively participate to help not only themselves, but also to provide support for their fellow residents.
Please call 1800 397 739 or email [email protected]

As part of the therapeutic community, residents live and work together as a small community of approximately 100 people at the main facility in Eagle Vale in Sydney’s South West. The rehabilitation process is undertaken in a structured environment, with treatment support provided by professional counsellors and medical staff. Residents achieve therapeutic goals by demonstrating their ability to move through the stages of the program. As they progress, they take over the day-to-day administration and running of Odyssey House. Job functions include maintaining the property, painting, gardening, cooking, driving and administration.
Rehabilitation Programs
Foundations of Recovery Program is a 12-week program designed to meet the needs of less complex clients who require residential treatment and can have their treatment needs best met in an intensive, shorter program. It provides an opportunity for people in addiction to live together and take responsibility for themselves and each other as a community. Our three-month residential program incorporates more mental health and relapse prevention.
Long Term Residential Rehabilitation Program continues on from Foundations of Recovery where residents are at Odyssey House for further six months. It includes Core recovery and Senior stage, followed by a four-month re-entry and transition program, if required. Our programs are client-centred, therefore the length of time spent in long-term residential may differ from client to client.
The Core and Senior programs build on the model and recovery progress of the Foundations of Recovery program. It adds more in-depth groups, psychoeducation, individual counselling and life skills education as well as study, including VET courses, at Odyssey College. All residential participants have their own individual treatment plan detailing their goals and aspirations, while also participating in the main group program and general activities such as cooking, cleaning and garden maintenance.
While residents can leave at any point, it is recommended they stay for at least nine months as research has proven that their chances of recovery are higher, the longer they stay in the program.
Odyssey College is the education arm of Odyssey House NSW and provides all clients in the residential program a rich and worthwhile educational experience. You may well ask why we have included education into the program at Odyssey House. Research indicates that having a career path post rehabilitation, is a predictor of long-term success.
Odyssey College is a registered school with NESA and incorporates key content that will allow you to learn some of the necessary skills that will hold you in good stead post-Odyssey.
The Parent’s and Children’s Program at Odyssey House is one of only a handful of rehabilitation centres in Australia that allow men and women to undertake treatment whilst their children (0-12 years) live with them.
Group therapy is conducted regularly during the week. Additionally, vocational counselling, anger management, one on one counselling, domestic violence counselling, psychological services, assertiveness training, and recreational activities are all available to our residents.
Residential Rehabilitation Costs
The Residential Rehabilitation program is affordable if you are on a Centrelink benefit and have a current Medicare card. If this is not the case, please call us to discuss costs on: 1800 397 739.
To chat to one of our friendly staff about the Residential Program, send an enquiry using the form on this page or call:
1800 397 739
or email [email protected]