Community Programs

Odyssey House’s free Community Programs provide treatment, counselling, education, and aftercare support to those who have been affected by alcohol and other drugs.

For Admissions please call 1800 397 739 option 2 or email [email protected]

At Odyssey House NSW we understand the challenges that may be impacting the life and health of individuals, their friends, family and the wider community. Our experienced team offers free individual and group counselling, support, information and education to people who are concerned about their own or a loved one’s drug and/or alcohol use and the impact on their mental health.

To find out more about our services and program options that will support and assist you in your recovery journey phone our assessment team on 1800 397 739 or email [email protected].

Our Community Programs specialise in:

Alcohol and Other Drugs Recovery

Our Alcohol and Other Drugs Recovery groups provide support with: relapse prevention and relapse management, developing strategies to manage high risk situations and sustain recovery, harm reduction education and goal setting and treatment options.

Individual Treatment

People with alcohol and other drug-related issues experience person-centred, trauma-informed, safe, high-quality intervention and care. These services begin at the Intake stage beginning with Enquiry  where information, education and referral occurs. The Intake stage further includes Assessment for Suitability and Admission to program. After Admission, through the early stages of treatment and support a comprehensive assessment identifies their individual needs, related risk factors and treatment goals. A care planning session follows to build a treatment plan with the client. Next, the client’s treatment progress and outcomes are monitored in regular consultation with the client and team in Clinical Review. Finally, transfer of care is used to support continuation of care, depending on the client’s engagement and treatment plan goals once the client completes treatment at our service.

Our staff provide therapeutic counselling as well as crisis support and intervention in residential and community programs, at no charge, to those who require it.

Odyssey Multicultural Programs

Our Odyssey Multicultural Programs team deliver specialised Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) services in western and south-western Sydney. These services included AOD counselling and support for individuals from CALD backgrounds as well as community engagement, research, and resources development to support CALD individuals and families.

SMART Recovery Groups

Odyssey NSW is service partner with the SMART Recovery program and provides the SMART (self-management and recovery training) program by implementing a practical, hands-on approach. This Program aims to assist clients with problematic behaviours including addiction. Participants come to help themselves and help each other using a variety of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and motivational tools and techniques.

SMART Recovery Group, which is a weekly mutual-aid, peer support program. SMART consists of four Focus Areas such as Building and Maintaining Motivation, Dealing with Cravings and Urges, Problem Solving and Building a Lifestyle Balance. Participants share helpful strategies and leave with a 7-day plan for the upcoming week.

Family Support Groups

Our family support groups aim to give anyone who may be supporting someone with a drug or alcohol issue a safe place to learn about: drug and alcohol dependence, coping skills, and how best to support someone who is having problems with drugs or alcohol.

Mental Health Support

For people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drug issues, our mental health recovery programs provides support with: developing and maintaining mental health recovery plans, building knowledge and coping skills to manage mental health issues in recovery and recreational activities conducive to an improved well-being.

Relapse Prevention

Our Relapse Prevention Program helps clients understand and plan for the triggers that lead to relapse. We help them develop coping strategies and a relapse prevention plan for emergencies and the long term. We also expand their understanding of the impact of their AOD use and relapse on their families and friends to return to productive functioning in the family, workplace and community.

The program includes weekly group support sessions, but many use these sessions more frequently.

Post Custodial Support

Through our Community and Multicultural program teams we support clients post-release and reintegration programs transitioning from prison into the community in NSW. After being released from prison, reintegrating into society may be a difficult process for many formerly incarcerated people, who frequently face substantial difficulties along the way. Our professional teams help clients  to meet their goals and address any underlying trauma and mental health issues, while also developing new skills to improve all aspects of their lives.

After Care

We provide alcohol and other drug aftercare services to the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. Our experienced team offers alcohol and other drug case management and care coordination for people with complex needs who require coordination of individual care, support and advocacy to access health and social services. These services may be delivered as the primary alcohol and other drug intervention or alongside other interventions such as withdrawal management, psychosocial counselling and opioid agonist treatment.

Continuing Care

Clients who complete the Residential or Community Programs have may access ongoing Continuing Care including case management and care coordination. Continuing Care programs continue to support clients in maintenance of progress towards their recovery goals as well as with practical support around housing, employment and training, and family reintegration or recovery.

Parent Support Groups

Our free Parent Programs through Community Services are focused on parents and how to be the best parent you can be for your kids. We currently have numerous parenting programs operating across Sydney.

To chat to one of our friendly staff about our Community Programs send an enquiry using the form on this page or call: 

1800 397 739

or email [email protected]