News & Events

Media Release: 2017 Odyssey House Annual Report

7 Dec 2017
Treatment for methamphetamine addiction at record high: Increased ‘ice’ use, mental illness + older/middle-aged people seeking help Addiction to methamphetamines like ‘ice’ was at a record high among an.


Make A Difference This Christmas

15 Nov 2017
Every year the Christmas period attracts a higher rate of depression among the population. Depression at Christmas can be triggered for a multitude of reasons, including social isolation, financial.


A Mum’s Personal Journey At Christmas Time

13 Nov 2017

To the outside world, I look like a successful woman in my 40s who juggles an amazing husband, two wonderful kids, Derek (8 years old) and Louise (12 years.


Answering Community Calls For Help: How Tammy Helps Those In Need.

19 Oct 2017

Reaching out for help is a huge step for many people struggling with addiction, one taken with trepidation, fear of being judged and uncertainty about what treatment might involve..


Odyssey House $66,008 Raffle Draw

14 Sep 2017
Up until the 16th March 2018, Odyssey House will be selling raffle tickets with all the proceeds going directly towards our fight against addiction. With your support we can continue to.