News & Events
Assistance at the AIC
For the past two months Odyssey House has had the opportunity to play host to American psychology student, Eric. He is currently in the last year of his degree, after which he hopes to continue studying a postgraduate degree in law. During his time at Odyssey, Eric worked from the Admissions and Intake Centre at Redfern.
Eric spent his time assisting the Admissions and Intake centre staff with client assessments, histories, drug use and suitability for the program. This environment gave him the opportunity to learn about drug and alcohol addiction in Australia in comparison to his knowledge of addiction in America. He was also able to expand his knowledge on certain subjects such as mental health and substance abuse.
For the duration of his internship Eric has thoroughly enjoyed his time at Odyssey House and the important work that we do.
We wish Eric all the best for his future studies and employment and thank him for his support and dedication over the last two months.
If you are a student and would like more information on student placements at Odyssey House, please visit