For Christmas this year, Jenna would like her mum back.
Jenna has been in foster care while her mum is receiving treatment at Odyssey House for her substance use.
Jenna’s mum loves her and does her best to try and manage. But with a lifetime of child abuse and neglect behind her, and not feeling loved or valued herself, Jenna’s mum simply couldn’t manage her use of methamphetamines.
That’s when she came to Odyssey House for help in our main residential program.
Right now she’s longing for the new Odyssey Family Recovery Centre to be built. That way she can have Jenna with her.
The Odyssey Family Recovery Centre is one of just a few long-term Australian residential services that allow parents, both singles and couples, to undertake rehabilitation treatment while their children aged 0-12 years live with them in a safe learning environment that enables positive and lasting change. It means parents who are experiencing drug and alcohol dependence can get the treatment they need without worrying about finding a carer for their children before they start rehabilitation.
And it means kids like Jenna can be with their parent in a supportive environment, rather than separated during the recovery journey.
That’s why your support is so important. Your gift today will help fund the $1,000,000 needed to complete the new Odyssey Family Recovery Centre.
When a family can be mended, it can mean not just a repair to one generation of relationships, but also the foundation for future healthy relationships as well. It can break the cycle of generational substance use – forever.
Help parents break their dependence on substance use with your donation, today.
Jenna really wants to be with her mum. Your gift to our Christmas Appeal can help give her that.